Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Day Josh Groban Learned I Exist

I know it's been awhile since I've written a blog on my personal account and not on my Reality Check blog but there just hasn't been much to talk about....until now.  Last Wednesday (July, 27, 2011) I went to the Josh Groban concert at the Verizon Center in Washington D.C.; now I knew that this night would be amazing but I had no clue just how amazing it would become!  Before the show began you could text in questions for him and 3 would be chosen and given to him to read/answer during the show.  I texted in a question thinking that it would never get chosen but what did I have to lose...well I was wrong because it did get chosen!! 

My question was the 3rd and final question and it took me about 5 seconds to realize that it was my name and seat information that Josh had just read...I then proceeded to jump out of my seat and scream.  My question read like this "Today is my 22nd birthday and it is my wish to have you sing to me.  Will you please make this the best day of my life?  PS-You owe me and I can prove it."  That in turn provoked some "I'm not the father" comments which was just fine with me!  That idea, even just for a few seconds, was more then I ever imagined he would say to that (and to me) but it was perfect.  Then came the big moment....he left the stage and came straight to me (I had floor seats and was at the end of a row)!  He stood there alternating between holding my hand and having his arm around me and proceeded to sing me the best rendition of Happy Birthday I have ever heard, along with the entire arena.  I stood there beaming, looking into his eyes and knowing that he was looking back.  When he was done he gave me a hug which was one of the most amazing things that has ever happened to me and certainly something I will never forget.

It is several days later and I'm still in disbelief.  I find myself constantly wondering whether it really happened and then I close my eyes and can see him looking straight into my eyes, I can feel his arm around me while he was singing as if to keep me from floating, I can hear him saying my name multiple times, I can smell the delicious scent that stayed on my clothes for the rest of the night, and I can feel his arms around me and his scruff on my face; I then know that it really happened.  I am living proof that dreams really do come true...this was one dream that I NEVER thought would come true, but it did.  It is a night, a feeling, and a memory that will never leave is a special moment that he and I shared in front of an audience of thousands that nobody will ever be able to have, it is mine and mine only.  It is without a doubt the best night of my life and will be incredibly hard to ever top!  Josh Groban knows that I exist in this world and to be able to say that is a dream come true in itself, the rest is just icing on an already amazing cake.


  1. Um, WOW! You are quite possibly the luckiest girl I know. Congratulations :)

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