Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Josh Groban Experience Continues

So some of you may have read my post The Day Josh Groban Learned I Exist and know what happened that amazing night exactly 4 months ago (and if you don't know click the link and read all about it!).  Well I thought that was the end of the experience....but I was wrong.  People magazine is having it's annual Best of 2011 contest/poll and one of the categories is "Most Awesome Star Encounter"...I submitted our story and picture, had an online interview with someone from the magazine, and found out the other day that I made the finals!!  I am now 1 of 7 competing for the title and the winner will be determined by who gets the largest amount of votes.  So this is my request to all of you reading this...please click on this link: Most Awesome Star Encounter and vote for me and Josh Groban!  You can vote as many times as you want and the winner will be announced December 16th.  Please help me out and keep this amazing journey going!  Thank you!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bad For My Health

I've come to the determination that watching the Patriots play every weekend is bad for my health, especially my heart and blood pressure.  I'm so attached and invested in them that I take every loss way too personally...and these last two have been killers.  However, no matter what anyone might say about my boys I am ALWAYS going to support them!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Time For A Change

I have been thinking about this for awhile but it's time to actually do something about it.  For a long time now I have been really unhappy with how I look...I don't feel attractive or confident at all.  Other people say I look fine but I feel terrible about myself....but I'm done.  So today I went to my first class at the gym and am going to really try to hold myself accountable to going at least twice a week.  I am sick of feeling lousy about myself...I don't want to feel like nobody could ever love me because of the way I look.  I know that is a ridiculous notion but that's how I feel...right or wrong.  Here's to taking the first step to change!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Yes, You May

Where’s Maury Povich?? (an inside joke between Josh and I…I’m totally serious!)