Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Me & Football....Who Would Have Thought?

Football is something that I hated 5 years ago...I thought it was pointless and didn't understand or get the appeal of it at all.  But slowly something changed and over the last couple years it has become increasingly evident that I have caught the football bug.  If you had told me all those years ago that I would be watching every game my team played (including those not televised), reading articles, keeping up with stats, and wearing a jersey after a big win I probably would have told you that you needed to be committed.  All those things are a reality now though and when I really think about it, it baffles me in some respects.  If someone had told me that I would be this invested mentally and emotionally in the New England Patriots I would not have believed them....but I am.  They are my boys and I love them as weird as that may sound.

My evolution into a NE Patriots fanatic has led me to a more introspective observation...one that goes beyond sports and touches on change and who I am and who I have become.  I am not even close to the person I was this time 4 or 5 years ago...and I am so thankful for that.  I didn't like the person I was and I didn't like how I felt all the time.  Now I'm not saying that I'm completely happy with who I am now but I am a lot closer to being the person I want to be.  Change can be good sometimes and for me the last 5 years, good and bad, have made me someone I can be proud of.  There will always be things that I don't like or wish I could change but I am no longer that high school girl who felt like no matter what she did or said she wouldn't fit in.  I know who I am and I know where I want to go...that is something to be happy about.

Who would have thought that football could lead to something so philosophical?

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