Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spring Break

This year's Spring Break was probably the one that was the most all over the place.  Here's a quick rundown of what happened.

1. My dad had shoulder surgery a week and a half ago and can't move his arm at all.  Due to the surgery he was running a fever that ranged from 99 to 101.6 for a week.  I played nurse for a good portion of the week and got really good at reading the old school glass thermometers.  Luckily his fever finally broke and he's getting back to his normal self...minus the use of his right arm.

2. The most exciting thing that happened over break was I got tickets to see Josh Groban in concert on July 27th!!  But I didn't just get tickets....I have FLOOR TICKETS!!!  I will be in section 1 at the Verizon Center in row M which means I am 13 rows from the stage!!!  I'm on the aisle too so who knows who may walk by!!  SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!

3. I got dragged to the doctor because my mom has been worried about how run down I am and there's some unexplained things going on and long story short I have been advised not to work this summer.  Even though I feel like I should, it probably really is best for me to focus on myself and my health for a few months.  Plus I have to look my best for the never know what may happen!

Now I'm back at school and I have 2 months until seems like such a short amount of time and such a long amount of time all at once.  I just know what I am so over with this whole school thing and just want to be done.

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