Sunday, April 10, 2011

Crazy Life

It's been awhile since I've posted....thank you life for that one.  I've barely had time to breathe these last few weeks let alone actually sit down and write about absolutely nothing of importance when you really think about it.  I figured I just give the highlights of the last few goes nothing.

I was officially accepted into the Master's of Elementary Education program at UMW...woohoo!!  Even though I didn't get the specialization I really wanted I'm choosing to believe that everything happens for a reason.  In the long run it doesn't really matter anyways...I'm getting my Master's and that's all that matters!

I also have a place to live next year which is such a relief!!  I'm leasing a room in this cute house and the rent is really good!  It'll be interesting sharing a house with 3 other people that I've never even met before but at least I have somewhere to live!

There is less then 1 month til graduation and I am so ready for everything to be over and done with.  I'm not looking forward to having to say goodbye to all of my friends but I'm more then ready to move on to Master's year and teaching full time!

I have officially completed my duties as an officer in the Student Education Association!  The Student Teacher Reception went off without a hitch and I can't tell you how much stress that has been causing me!  It's so weird to think that this time next year I will be the one attending the STR and not the one organizing and executing it!  It's scary and exciting all at the same time!

That's all I can think of at the moment...I'm really going to try and be better about writing things as they happen...but no promises (at least for the next couple weeks)!

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